Jeff Cheney, Mayor of Frisco city endorses Gopal for Frisco ISD Board of Trustees Place 1
People run for public office for many different reasons, and sometimes we don’t always understand the motivations for pursuing higher office. As an elected official who has served alongside Gopal, I can offer you my personal insight. Gopal serves his country by serving his community as a Trustee on Frisco ISD School Board because he believes in serving a higher calling above self. One example of Gopal’s service to our community is his work with his Charity, Shubham Foundation.
As a Frisco resident for over 18 years, Gopal has consistently placed the needs of others ahead of his own. He welcomes every corner of Frisco to the conversation, and understands diversity extends beyond social and ethnic backgrounds and includes families from both sides of the economic bell curve. He is a trusted advisor and valuable resource for several parents, students, and teachers in Frisco ISD Over the past three years in which Gopal has served as a Trustee on the Frisco ISD Board, I have witnessed continuous and steady growth in him. He is open to learning, understanding new ideas and drilling down into complex issues.
Gopal is an exemplary model for our community and encourages a culture of innovation. Gopal looks at old problems and applies new ideas. He encourages technology and is proud when Frisco is out in front of other school districts. Gopal represents and reflects Frisco’s drive towards constant innovation. Serving in public office is a tough job because you need to have a careful balance between listening to your constituents and leading with your own knowledge and experience.
Gopal is the rare elected official who can strike this balance, and specifically understands the difference between politics and governance. As a member of Frisco City Council, it has been an honor and a privilege to work with Gopal and the Frisco ISD, as Gopal places a high value on the partnership between the school district, the city, and our community. As a Frisco resident for over 20 years, a US Army veteran, husband, and father of two amazing sons who both attended Frisco ISD K-12, I proudly endorse my friend Gopal for re-election to the Frisco ISD Board of Trustees, and humbly ask the residents of Frisco ISD community to make your voice heard and cast your vote for Gopal Ponangi for Place 1
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Gopal Ponangi is the absolute best candidate for the FISD Board of Trustees. If you believe our children are the future, then you realize the importance of them receiving a quality education. You also realize a school system highly ranked like ours is not by chance but by design. Gopal is one of the strategic designers of the success of the Frisco ISD. In addition, Gopal is a man of integrity and character; a bridge builder between communities; and a man who listens and takes action. Our children deserve someone with proven leadership making sound decisions on their behalf.
If you truly care about the direction and quality of our schools, you should vote to re-elect Gopal to his seat in place 1.
I've had the privilege of working with Gopal for nearly a decade. In that time I have known him to be a dedicated public servant. Always looking out for the best interests of the City and especially the School District. He has a passion for public education and takes the time to thoroughly understand issues, weigh opinions from all sides, and make well informed balanced decisions. I'm proud to call Gopal a friend and Colleague. He has served Frisco ISD well, and I believe he is the best choice to represent us in the future.
Please join me in supporting Gopal
I have served alongside Gopal Ponangi for the last three years, and I am proud to support him in his re-election to the Frisco ISD Board of Trustees. Gopal prioritizes the success of our students, teachers, and staff above all else. He is committed to advocating and serving our community of learners in a measured and meaningful way, providing opportunities to meet the ever growing needs of our incredible district. Please join me in re-electing Gopal for our Frisco ISD Board of Trustees.
Gopal is a servant leader who devotes countless hours to meeting with constituents to listen to their needs and concerns. As a trustee, his relationships and experience as an 18-year Frisco ISD resident bring a valued perspective to the board. We are stronger as a district with Gopal in the room. He has earned a second term. Please join me in voting to return Gopal Ponangi to the Frisco ISD Board of Trustees.'
Frisco ISD has changed significantly since I was first elected in 2015. We have grown in ways that no one could have imagined. I have learned along the way that a demonstrated community servant, like Gopal Ponangi, is the right person for this ever-changing environment. His love of community is evident in his service, and he has a desire to see parents and staff working together to create successful, future-ready graduates that are prepared to excel in life.
I am pleased to endorse my friend Gopal Ponangi for re-election to Frisco ISD Place 1. I've been proud to work alongside him. He will continue to lead and serve us as he has these last three years, and Frisco ISD will continue to remain a district of excellence.
I have had the pleasure of getting to know Gopal and his family over the last few years as well as serving alongside Gopal over the last 3 years. He is a true servant leader who gives his time selflessly to our students, staff and community members. He has been a great addition to our board bringing different perspectives and experiences to our team.
Please join me in voting to re-elect Gopal as a Frisco ISD Board Trustee, Place 1
For my past 2 years as a FISD Trustee, I have had an opportunity to work alongside Gopal Ponangi on several initiatives that support the teachers, students and families of Frisco ISD. Gopal is passionate about Frisco ISD and has gone above and beyond to ensure that the needs of each student, staff member and teacher are met. Gopal’s resume is impressive but his heart is GOLD. He is a proven leader that listens and takes action. As Frisco ISD continues to grow, I am confident that Gopal will continue to serve the Frisco ISD community in a major way. Please join me in voting to re-elect Gopal Ponangi for Frisco ISD Board of Trustees
The past three years provided me with the good fortune of serving alongside Gopal Ponangi. Gopal is kind and genuine. His perspectives and experiences are vital to our evolving community. I am thankful for his service to FISD and support him in seeking re-election. Join me in voting for Gopal for Frisco ISD Board of Trustees, Place 1
Gopal Ponangi is exactly the candidate for the Frisco ISD Board of Trustees that Paul Hons and I envision. Gopal serves on the Frisco Educational Foundation and has created the Shubham Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)3, to support local education and health initiatives.
Gopal and I have served together on the FISD Long Range Planning Committee and the FISD Facilities and Programs Evaluation Committee and I am impressed at every meeting with his education knowledge and fierce commitment for my beloved Frisco Independent School District.
With a combined 60 years of working in Texas public education and Texas higher education, Paul and I strongly feel that Gopal has taken the necessary steps in order to prepare himself to represent Frisco ISD and highly recommend our friends who live in the Frisco ISD area to join us in voting for him.
Please like and share his Facebook campaign page with your friends.
Many of you would know, I feel very passionately about education and the system involving around it. But the Special Need Department holds a very special place in my heart. I had a 2 year stint here in US working with the Special Need Department as a Para Professional. Something that I hadn't planned, happened by complete ignorance of the classroom I was walking into. Click to read full endorsement
My family and I have known Gopal for more than 15 years. During this time, I have seen Gopal work tirelessly for the community. He has done lot of work through various non-profits; which impacted the lives of several people in a positive way. I am glad that he is now planning to serve our School District. I am sure that this will be a great benefit to the students, teachers, parents and the tax payers. I wish him good luck and will request all of my friends to support me by voting for Gopal
One of the best parts of having built a big building in the middle of the city is all of the incredible non-profit events we have been honored to support. From Frisco Fastpacs last 3 Empty Bowls Frisco events, to 5 years of the Dr. King Oration and Scholarship contest and dozens and dozens more, there has been a consistent fixture of support - Gopal Ponangi.
Over the past several years, I have seen Gopal pour his heart into this community week in and week out. He does this with a humility, assured calmness, smile and authenticity that has more than earned my trust, respect and support. I find that Gopal makes things he is involved with better.
Gopal for FISD, I wish you and your beautiful family tremendous success in your election.
A passion to serve. A passion to make a difference. A passion to make things better. This is what I look for when deciding where my voice stands in a local election. TODAY AND SATURDAY ARE THE ONLY DAYS LEFT TO MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD IN THIS ELECTION
Gopal Ponangi has been serving in the DFW area for more than 2 decades and on Frisco ISD’s school board for 3 years. Over these past 3 years, he has been available to all. He answers his phone, even if it’s in the middle of the night. He helps in emergency situations. He is there for families in need. He listens and genuinely tries to help reach a positive resolution - from rezoning, to emergency family issues, to unexpected DECA issues, and more. Gopal has been there fighting for students and teachers of Frisco.
Those serving with Gopal have seen his commitment and dedication to doing what’s right for students, teachers and the district, for being fair and level-headed, and for being and advocate for the district. Many have pledged their support for exactly these reasons - Frisco Mayor Jeff Cheney, 3 members of Frisco City Council (Bill Woodard, John Keating, Angelia Pelham), 6 members of Frisco ISD School Board, Mckinney Mayor George Fuller, 2 previous Frisco mayors of Frisco, and many more. They all support Gopal for his proven commitment to the district and doing what is best for the students and teachers of Frisco.
The Dallas Morning News has also endorsed Gopal.
Please take a moment to share your voice in this important election. Your Vote in Your Voice. Your Voice Matters.
As a young family, we understand the importance of investing in Frisco ISD. Gopal has a passion for people and family - values that proudly align with our own. We whole-heartedly endorse Gopal and hope you will join us in supporting him as our next Frisco ISD Trustee. - Ashley and Justin
I’m pleased to endorse Gopal for FISD. I believe, under Gopal’s leadership our excellent school district will keep moving in the right direction.
I am thrilled to support Gopal for Frisco ISD Board of Trustees Place 1. I have had the pleasure of getting to know Gopal through our work together on the Long Range Planning and the Facilities and Programs Evaluation committees. During our committee-work, I was impressed by Gopal’s ability to thoroughly evaluate the issues placed before us. Not only is Gopal exceptionally diligent and hard-working, but he is also sincere, trustworthy and willing to listen to all sides of an issue, which in my mind, are key characteristics of a good trustee. I have three children in Frisco ISD (elementary, middle and high school) and I feel confident that their futures are in good hands with Gopal’s leadership.
Passion, politeness, influence and impact—That’s Mr. Ponangi and more! It was nice meeting with him yesterday, listening to his campaign stories, exchanging concerns and ideas fore Frisco ISD, and sharing the values of Asian backgrounds... Go Gopal for FISD! Our family supports you!
I have known Gopal for almost 15 years. We were coworkers for much of that time. Gopal is a fierce worker, loves his city, and has the utmost integrity. Do Frisco a favor and take the time to Elect Gopal.
Frisco friends - Gopal and I worked together several years ago and I can certainly attest to his character. Do consider him on your ballots.
Founder of Shastha Foundation; Raman Velu Endorses Gopal Ponangi for Frisco ISD Board of Trustees Place 1
Ann Anderson Endorses Gopal for FISD, TV9 Interview